Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Helen's Headlines - Monday 14 May 2012

Hello everyone

Well judging the skin around my fingernails, I'm stressed!  Or maybe I should just stop this nervous reaction and keep biting them. 

Last night, Gill talked about how to manage stress and identify the triggers that create a stressful reaction for us which in turn, change our behaviours and affect our physical, mental, spiritual and emotional well being.  While she talked, I thought about my behaviour and how I react to others when stressed and realised that at times, there is a lot of pressure that I put on myself. 

Over the last few months, realising this I had started yoga and meditation just to calm me down a bit and have found that I look forward to those moments of peace where I can zone out for a while.  She called it 'being present in the now' and in one way, for me, knitting is the activity which puts me 'in the now'.  The moment I pick it up every night, I'm not thinking about those training needs analysis reports, I'm not thinking about how to train over 3500 people across our organisation scattered across two countries and all states, I'm not thinking about writing up meeting agendas, project reports, whitepapers or worried about meeting crazy deadlines and constant requests, I'm not thinking about how I'm going to fit it all in or who is there to help me through it - I'm just thinking of knits, purls and the texture of the yarn at my fingertips - and that's comforting for me.

Thanks also to the team of people who helped out in our recent Charity Golf Day at Kingston Heath.  By all reports it was quite successful and funds were raised to support MS and our other community initiatives.  For those who have helped (and your partners - a BIG thank you to them too!) for helping out on the day, seeking sponsors or providing raffle and silent auction gifts, it is greatly appreciated.

It was nice to receive a Facebook post from Andrew who is enjoying his cultural exchange to Fort Worth Dallas Texas and he will be sending an email with photos to the club that will be distributed.  Next week he starts his Vocational Exchange working at a university with robotics engineering as his project.

I'm looking forward to Sunday where I have volunteered to help out on the corner of North Road and East Boundary Road at 10-12 in the morning for the Red Shield Appeal for the Salvation Army. Make sure you drive by and put some money in the tin!

I wish everyone a happy week, take care and I will be an apology for next week as it is my name day (Greeks celebrate this in honour of their saint names) so anyone who is named Helen or Constantine celebrates on 21 May.  See you on  Monday 28 May for our movie night! 

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Helen's Headlines - Monday 8th May 2012

Hello everyone

What a wonderfully inspiring presentation from Mia and Claire, two students of the Bentleigh West Primary School who attended the International Water Convention in Adelaide last year.  Our club sponsored part of their registration and travel costs to attend this convention that focussed on environment and sustainability education programs for students.  Both young ladies spoke eloquently and passionately about how they found their experience and it was lovely to see that the future of Australia can be so involved with programs that involve Australia's sustainability.

We also had various announcements from members and Directors.  Thanks to Greg for acting as the Bowelscan Co-ordinator for the new year.  This program is important and RCMM has had an active role in the last few years connecting with pharmacies in the local area to have the kits be made available.

I also wish to thank every volunteer and club member for the upcoming Kingston Heath Golf Day and it promises to be another wonderful event that will raise ever important funds for the club.  My husband is looking forward to playing Kingston Heath on Friday!

Unfortunately I did pass on a bit of bad news to the club but hope that everyone sees it as a positive anyway.  My decision to transfer out of the club after my term as president has been on my mind for some months mainly based around my heavy workload commitments which will only get heavier from July onwards when there will be a massive training effort to upskil employees of where I work nationally and internationally.  After hearing about the e-club at one of the Presidents Meetings some months ago, I found the flexibility of this option aligned with how I wanted to be involved with Rotary and seemed a great fit.  

My five years at RCMM has been fantastic, the people lovely and helpful and have made me feel welcome and part of a great club which I hope to still have connections with in the future. The future of RCMM is now in more than capable hands and it can look forward to new and exciting opportunities and faces!  I will serve out my term as president and assist Andrew in any way that I can for his smooth transition into the role but thank you to everyone who has supported me in the past.

Have a great week!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Helen's Headlines Monday 30 April 2012

Hello everyone

Hope you had a lovely week.  Thanks to Greg and Joy for organising a great Vocational night through Susan's support as she knew Harry, the manager of Jetset.

I think I speak for everyone that it was an enjoyable night where we reminisced about our previous travels and whet our appetite for more travel. Harry gave us some information on upcoming tours and outlined how the generic travel brands simply don't provide the specialised individual service that we all desire.  It certainly got us thinking about who we're going to go through next time when we plan our overseas trip!  Our dinner at the RSL club was also positively received and everyone enjoyed the socialising.  It was nice to see a few other people too who were previous visitors to the club share the night with us.

By now, Andrew and I should have been in Bangkok to attend the Rotary International Convention with some other members of the club. Alas, it wasn't possible and I had to cancel plans because of high work commitments but I hope that you, like me, can share the RI convention through the social media sites (just check out the RI website) to view the guest speaker talks through video online.  I know it's not the same as being there but it's the next best thing.

Over the last weekend I participated in Rotary Leadership Institute and I would strongly recommend this training for ALL INCOMING PRESIDENTS.  This 3 phase course is an excellent course into Rotary and gives you information, tips, techniques, links and networks to all avenues of service, the grant process, community service, international service, marketing and communication.  Incoming presidents usually do the course for free (at discretion of the current DG) but it is open to others as well for a small cost.  It is well worth your effort if your intention is to take on any leadership role in Rotary.  I can truly say that undertaking this course is one of the highlights of my Rotary 'career'.  So do yourself a favour....(as someone famous says).

I have to say a big thank you to the increase in activity in the last few weeks after our crisis activity when I threw the spanner in the works at the crisis meeting.  Through that, we've had the most important thing come out which is a volunteer for President - and a big thank you to Andrew who has agreed to be our next President. 

Our club has been in the sights of many people in the district in recent times - simply everyone waiting with abated breath as to whether it will survive or not - and yes, I have had other approaches from other clubs who would have kindly welcomed our members to their clubs!    I have made it known to District that we now have a President and President Elect Jason.  Thank you to both for supporting the club and thank you also to Bill and Geoff who will be kindly acting as mentors and Vice Presidents for both Andrew and Jason and supporting them through the process. 

Incoming Board Positions for 2012-2013

The following are TENTATIVE but as it stands at the moment.  However, there will be a requirement to double up on some duties if you can do this AND I kindly ask those members who have not been to a meeting regularly this year to consider taking a role where they can do in their own time and provide reports via email to be read out at meetings.  This way you can still be involved and your help would be immensely appreciated by everyone! :-)

President: Andrew Kenny

President elect 2013/14: Jason Chetty

Treasurer: (Open)

Secretary: Graeme Amoore

Club Service: Jason Chetty (TBC)

Community: Sheila Ward

International: Now Vacant (assistance Bill Chapman who will have District duties with WASRAG)

Vocational: Now Vacant  (this can be rolled up with another role if required)

New Generations: Geoff Gray

Foundation: Helen Blunden (Paul assisting)

Membership: (This will be through a committee - TBC - we need volunteers for the committee, Helen Blunden happy to be included)

Public Relations and Marketing: Helen Blunden

Program: John Hunt

Club Protection Officer: Sheila Ward

Bulletin: Greg Pullen

Sergeant/ Attendance: Ian Anderson

Fellowship: Various members as required

Market Co-ordinator (new position): Geoff Gray

            - Spellathon: Yvonne Beadle, Steph Bishop, Jason Chetty
            - Charity Golf Day: Jason Chetty with Graeme Amoore and others as required
            - Business Networking Events as required (through club or cluster) - Helen Blunden (who will be District Vocational Services - Business Networking

Not allocated: Susan, John P, Bruce , Laurie (currently on leave), Syd , Robert , Kevin ,
Philip (transferring to new eClub)

For those members not allocated, any assistance would be greatly appreciated.  Possibly consider a role that you can do from home or in your own time if need be to assist our club.  If getting meetings is difficult for you, then this is one way you can still support the club - and then send in reports to be read out in your absence.

Please consider this as we would still love your assistance!