Saturday, August 7, 2010

Girls Night In - Raising Money for Cancer Research

It's not strange to find that many of us have been touched by cancer whether personally or through family or friend.

Every year, the Cancer Council holds the annual fundraising event called 'Girls Night In' and inspires women to get together to stay in, or hold an event that gets them to donate the money they would have otherwise spent on going out, to this worthy cause.

The Rotary Club of Moorleigh Moorabbin instead will organise a movie night to raise funds for the Cancer Council instead. It will be a night to be shared with the special women in your life, your mum, your daughter, sister, aunt, grandmother, and girlfriends.

We are proud to announce that we have booked the event on Opening Night of the new movie, "Eat, Pray, Love" starring Julia Roberts based on the best selling memoirs of Elizabeth Gilbert. It's a quest of one woman and her spiritual enlightenment, a story about her battle with depression, divorce and heartbreak.

See the trailer on:

Details of the Movie Night are:

Time: 5:45pm for 6:00pm Drinks & Socialising (TBA); 6;30-7:00pm screening (TBA)

Date: Thursday 7th October 2010

Place: Palace Cinema, Dendy Brighton, 26 Church Street, Brighton
(see map at:

RSVP: By email on: (include your name and how many tickets you want) or call 0438 884 730.

Cost: $20

How To Pay:

Cheque: Mail your cheque made payable to RC Moorleigh Moorabbin Girls Night. (Include details of your name and how many tickets you want so that you can collect them on the night).
Send to:
RCMM Girls Night, 411 Chesterville Road, Bentleigh East VIC 3165

In person to any member of the Rotary Club of Moorleigh Moorabbin

Bank Transfer:
BSB 063 148 Acc 0090 3840
(Include 'Girls Night In' subject line, your names and number of tickets required in comments area)

There will be raffle prizes drawn on the night and all ladies will receive goody bags.

So what are you waiting for? Save the date in your diary today and spread the word to the special women in your life to enjoy a lovely night at the movies and raise funds for a worthy cause.

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