Tuesday, February 28, 2012

End to the February Business Networking Events

February Business Month Events Come to a Close - and What an Ending!

Wow, what a great month of Business Networking Events ending with a fascinating vocational tour and presentation of Cell Care - and followed by a relaxing catered event at the Melbourne Golf Academy.

The presentation of Cell Care was interesting and I learned so much about this aspect of medical science. Not many people know that there are private cord blood banks that will collect and store the nutrient rich blood from the umbilical cord as protection from future disease.

The photos above show the warehouse where the stem cells are stored in Nitrogen at -196 celsius for up to 18 years!

Our big thanks to Greg for organising last night which had rave reviews from all who participated - and our guests who had come along. If I can pass on the feedback from our visitors Shruti (a nurse), who said, "this was the most informative presentation and tour I have ever been on. Please pass on my thanks to your club for allowing me the opportunity to see this. As a nurse, I never knew this was available - please include me in future events".
Similarly, we had great feedback from our other guests Ghandi who thanked us on behalf of RC Braeside for running the business events that he and Cheryl participated in. The staff of Cell Care, Lynn, Julia and Kristy also joined us at Melbourne Golf Academy for supper and there will be opportunities for us to partner with Cell Care and put them in contact with ARHF and other Rotary organisations to assist for funding. Overall a successful evening.

Our next business month will be in July and already our speakers have been booked and our vocational tour will be booked and organised by Jayde who has some ideas of where we could go and see - one suggestion is visiting the Monash Intensive Care Unit. Standby for more details as in the next month, I will be creating the flyers for July's talks - hopefully we'll have a venue sorted out by that stage as this is the only thing that I'm having panic attacks about....

Short Message from Susan:

I received the Clubs card yesterday please say thanks to all for kind thoughts.
I am doing ok but have no feeling in left knee and some in right. It seems my discs were "shattered" and in a bad way. This has compressed the nerves to the knees. So I walk "like a drunk" and my left knee "buckles" under me. It may take 6 months to improve. I am now doing small daily walks - today's target is 12. Pain is bearable with medicine. So all in all I am close to where I should be at this stage. No idea of discharge but some talk of going to rehab.

Have a great week and see you all next Monday night - back to normal routine!



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