Wednesday, November 9, 2011

TAFE Vocational Award Recipient - Amy

Last year, our club sponsored Amy Hayes, a local student from Bentleigh through the TAFE Vocational support program in partnership with Youth Connect. Amy was highly recommended as a worthy recipient of our club's support to assist her to complete her studies.

I spoke with Amy today who told me that for the last six weeks she has been doing a placement at Moreland Hall which is a drug and alcohol service. In this placement, she observes the mental health programs and actively engages with the clients. She tells me she loves it and is now looking forward to moving into the counsellor role in a full-time capacity...but not before she finishes more studies.

After her placement, she goes back to TAFE to complete her Diploma in Youth Work but that she has applied to also complete a Diploma in Drug and Alcohol Counselling. She is extremely interested in mental health programs and is passionate for her work and her studies.

I invited Amy back to the club in the new year so that she can tell us more about her work and her studies but would like to link it to a presentation around Mental Health or Drug and Alcohol and would like to call on John Hunt to investigate potential speakers in this sphere that can share the floor with Amy.

Good work Amy! This is definitely a good news story for our club and our club can actively support other students like her through their studies.

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