Wednesday, June 27, 2007

A fishy tale in Moorleigh Moorabbin

On Monday 25 June 2007, the Rotarians of Moorleigh Moorabbin had a presentation from Nick Kirby, Head Curator of the Melbourne Aquarium.

The Aquarium specialises in marine life of the southern oceans and has had a few successful public exhibitions such as the Giant Squid, the Creepy Creatures and the Sea Jellies Exhibits.

Most of us have visited the Aquarium with our friends or grandchildren at some stage since its opening opposite the Melbourne Crown Casino in 2000. However, you may not have seen what happens behind the scenes - a labyrinth of salt water treatment plants, tank cleaning equipment and chemical laboratories to keep all the marine life healthy.

Nick Kirby explained the routines of the Aquarium and showed us a photo slide presentation of the laboratories and the tanks that are currently on display.

In one display, he says, "you may know about the elephant sharks or elephant fish which are found in the southern hemisphere. At the aquarium, we've noticed these fish swim up to the surface, then sink back down to the bottom where they rest for a while. This is a common trait for fish in aquariums as they swim back and forth and get tired in the tanks."

What's in store for our Aquarium? The Aquarium is undergoing a building extension to create an antarctic environment with ice and seven degree water temperature to display and house penguins.

For more information on the Melbourne Aquarium, see the website:

Monday, June 18, 2007

Rotarians Shocked at Breathalyser Readings at Club Meeting

Rotarians were shocked at their breathalyser readings at tonight's Club meeting.

"They are lower than expected," one member joked.

But all joking aside, "Should You Be Driving Home Tonight?" was the question Rotarian Syd put to RC Moorleigh Moorabbin in an informative and engaging presentation about the dangers of drink driving.

"It is a question that we must ask ourselves all times when we drink and drive," he warned.

While Syd presented the facts about Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) readings, the effect of alcohol on our judgement and impairment, the information was made more real by testing the BAC of Rotarians with a breathalyser during the meeting.

Despite some Club members eagerness to be breathalysed and light-hearted comparisons of BAC readings, the seriousness of the topic was prevalent. It certainly made us think about our responsibilities behind the wheel of a car and how we owe it to ourselves, our family and community to not risk drink driving.

More information about the dangers of drink driving are found in the following websites: