Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Helen's Headlines - Monday 29th August 2011

Hello everyone and welcome to our new member Stephanie! It was lovely see her back again to share the evening with us and hope that Rotary brings her as much enjoyment as it does to us. So welcome onboard!

Thanks to Bill for his talk on the 2011 Rotary International Convention in New Orleans. Despite the initial audio problems the talk on New Generations was interesting although I must admit, I was sitting there thinking, "if this guy is talking about how he knows Rotary, then why isn't he a Rotarian??!!" Only when he put the badge on his lapel did I breathe a sigh of relief. However, what he said about Rotary appealing to the younger generation because of their volunteerism and their need for mentorship was spot on.

Maybe Rotary's softly softly approach working behind the scenes, using word-of-mouth to get new members and not actively promoting the good work we have done, has been our undoing. Sometimes though it's nice to get a bit of recognition and acknowledgement as it means that it gets our name out there and it inspires people to join to be part of it all.

David from Rotary Club Montrose spoke to us about the 2012 Rotary International Convention in Bangkok on 6-9 May. He is planning a package tour for District 9810 Rotarians to start after the convention for 10 days that will see the major sights and ending in Chang Mai. If you're interested, there'll be more information in the bulletin but you can also fill out a booking form and pay a deposit and he'll organise the lot - accomodation, flights, pre- and post convention tour.

If you haven't been to an International Convention before, I'd strongly recommend. I've been to the Los Angeles and Birmingham ones to date and both have been quite memorable. I particularly like it because we get to meet people from all parts of the world, and actually they are quite fun. The little pub that was created at the House of Friendship in Birmingham was Andrew's hangout in between the presentations. So even though we weren't planning to go to next years convention, we changed our minds when Andrew found out that there's a Tiger Temple Buddhist monastery that he simply must visit (wearing his Richmond jumper). We're looking forward to going now and doing the District 9810 post convention tour.

Other than that, great to see the community service intiatives in our bulletin so if you can help out Sheila with handing over any toiletry items (for the homeless project); and used work clothes for the Fitted for Work (helping women who have been released from prison find work) and hamper items, it would be appreciated.

Also good luck to Yvonne Beadle who will hold the first secondary school spellathon at Bentleigh Secondary College this Thursday in the library from 9am to 11am. Thanks for everyone's support in providing some fantastic prizes to give out the students. The spellathon is a real community service winner that is improving the literacy of children in our local area!

Other sad news that we heard is the unfortunate accident that Jim had in the week and our thoughts and best wishes for a speedy recovery are with him and Varie at this time.

Have a good week and next week, I'm looking forward to hearing what Stephanie says about her experience of RYLA and how it has inspired her to join Rotaract.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Helen's Headlines - Monday 22nd August

For those who liked history but also enjoy a game of golf then last night would have 'ticked all the boxes' for you (as they say). Graeme Ryan has written and published extensively on the subject of golf. He gave us a presentation on the history of golf and what I liked in particularly, was the photos and stories of how the first golf courses in our local area were established. His website is here: http://www.ryanpub.com.au/golf_courses_of_australia.htm

Rotary Business Month: Connecting Business with CommunityThese events in November will require everyone's assistance and support!

Already, we have secured our guest speakers for these events!

Bruno Bello, a Business Enterprise Advisor for AMTIL will speak about The Future of Your Business in the Marketplace: Key Factors to Success in Manufacturing" on Monday 7th November.

Our second speaker on Monday 14 November will be a Westpac Business Education Faciltator, Lisa Gilling, who will speak about Managing Cashflow in Your Business.

Our third speaker, Danny Schwarz, CEO of Youth Connect will talk about Bridging the Gap: Is Succession Planning Important? How to Deal with Generation X and Generation Y in the Workplace.

These issues are CRITICAL issues for small to medium business operators and we will be seeking all club members to actively promote Business Month. What this means is that I will be seeking your support to advertise, promote, talk and email to your networks. That is, your plumber, electricians, your tradey friends, everyone!

The next step is to create a flyer that we can hand out so that you have something to give to people who may be interested when you speak to them. Also, I will be advertising this event through the City of Kingston Business Directory Newsletter as well as attending the City of Kingston Business Presentation on 15th September where I will distribute and talk with the people attending and give them the flyer.

Our meetings in November will be slightly modified on the night as we will have a short welcome to guests and introduction about Rotary by me before introducing the guest speaker. After the guest speaker, we will introduce a Rotarian In Business who will give a short 5 minute presentation on what being in Rotary has meant for them personally and professionally. All guests will receive Membership Rotary packs and get on our email distribution list as potential volunteers for projects. Guests may decide to come back and see more presentations if they like.

Our purpose for these business meetings is to re-engage with the local small to medium business operators with the original intention of why Rotary was set up in the first place. In today's environment, there are many business network groups that offer training, support and advice to businesess. What makes Rotary stand out is that it occurs in a less formal environment, it is more frequent, you have access to a wide range of vocations internationally but to top it off, you make new friends AND you put back into the community. No other business networking organisation can offer these attributes.

I will be updating our website with details as we lock in guest speakers but if you have anyone you'd like to pass on the information then check out:

Membership and Marketing Committee Meeting Change of Date from Wed 7 September to Monday 5th September

There's nothing much else to report apart from the fact that we have a Naturalisation Ceremony coming up on Wednesday 7 September. This means I have double booked our Membership & Marketing Committee which was going to be on the same night.

Instead, I will move this meeting to occur AFTER our Monday night meeting on 5 September. So Yvonne, Philip, Geoff, Bill and Greg, if you can stay back for a coffee and a meeting regarding the co-ordination of our Business Month, it would be greatly appreciated. We should only take an hour.

Next Week Bill Talks About the Rotary International Convention in New Orleans

Attending a Rotary International Convention is a 'must do' if you can make it.

David Mackenzie from the Rotary Club of Montrose who is the District Travel Agent will also come along to our meeting too and give a 5 minute run down of the pre- and post- Convention tour he is planning for next year's RI Convention in Bangkok to continue with the theme.

Andrew and I have already put our names down for the RI Convention and District 9810 tour which will take us up through Thailand as well as stop at various places to view the good work that Rotary has supported or assisted in parts of Thailand.

In the spirit of good humor, I'll leave you with another pun from my favourite punmeister, Tim Vine, "I'll tell you what's close to my heart at the moment. My left lung."

Monday, August 22, 2011

RCMM Support Relocation of Family From Africa

This morning I sent off a letter to Bill from RC Montrose and District Inc who are supporting the relocation of the Congolese family of Deo Masudi. If eligible for refugee status to Australia, the Rotary Club will be looking to assist the family gain employment, accomodation and providing the necessary household items to help establish a home. He has asked all Rotary Clubs in our District for support in any way that we can. Board approved and support this request.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Letter to the Prime Minister To Re-Engage with Polio Eradication

I sent off this letter today upon Rotary Australia's request to all clubs to send to the PM regarding the re-engagement of polio eradication program.

Prime Minister,

At the recent Rotary International Convention in New Orleans, USA, the subject of polio eradication was raised by Keynote Speaker Bill Gates, Jr, of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which has donated in excess of $US1.3 billion, $US355 million of which has been channelled through Rotary International’s
End Polio Now Campaign.

The polio campaign began when an Australian, Clem Renouf, was President of Rotary International in 1978-79. Rotarians in Australia and around the world have been working tirelessly in all the polio-endemic countries − there are only four left − and have since donated in excess of $1.3 billion. Our latest fundraising effort to raise $US200 million is nearing completion, in line with the effort to finally rid the world of this insidious disease.

You may recall the situation that arose when one polio-infected man from Pakistan landed in Melbourne along with 238 passengers aboard a Thai Airlines flight in 2007, a situation that reinforced the argument that nobody is safe from this disease until worldwide eradication is complete.

In addressing delegates to the recent convention, Mr Gates gave examples of admirable efforts by Governments around the world such as Canada, which in 2008 donated $60 million, the USA, which is committed to spending $130 million a year, the UK, which announced in January that it would invest more than £60 million over the next two years and the United Arab Emirates, whose Crown Prince has donated $US17 million.

Almost 500 Australian delegates to the convention among 19,000 others from all over the world were then disappointed to hear Mr Gates take the Australian Government, among others, to task: “Donors that were once involved, that have fallen away — like Australia, Germany, and France — need to re-engage.”

Mr Gates* then urged Rotarians in these countries to, “Make sure that your politicians know about polio and its urgency. Go and tell them about the need to finish. Invite them to your meetings. And when they visit, don’t let them leave without telling them you expect them to be champions in this fight, and that you’ll be holding them accountable for what they do”.

Therefore, as one of more than 35,000 Rotarians in Australia, I am writing to you to respectfully request that the Federal Government join us and re-engage in the worldwide polio eradication campaign with an appropriate continuing financial commitment until such time as the world is declared polio-free.

Australian Rotarians have fought polio for more than 25 years. We are 99 per cent of the way there and we need your help to complete the task.

Yours Sincerely

Rotary Club of Moorleigh Moorabbin

District Marketing Committee Meeting Outcomes - Saturday 20th August 2011

I attended another of the District Marketing Committee breakfast meetings on at the Buckingham International Hotel at 7am on Saturday morning. I quite enjoy these meetings because it's an opportunity to breakfast and chat with representatives from other clubs in our district and come up with ideas to promote and market Rotary.

Cinema Advertising at Southland
Planning to target Tuesday, Thursday and Fridays for 12 weeks for all sessions on these days. The cinema advert will be the one here: http://www.rotarydownunder.com.au/RDU/home-page-videos/join-rotary.asp Standy by for that one next time you go to the movies!

Calcutta Night Monday 31 October 2011
Organisation for this night is already in progress. 5 tables have already been sold; menu organised and venue booked. Yours truly is in the progress of setting up a registration website to capture credit card payments which will be online and active soon. Ticket price for this event will be $65 (TBA) and venue at the Rossdale Golf Club.

The aim is to raise money for the Salvation Army Community 12 seater bus and this is a District Fundraising event. Information about this event will be out soon via District media to get as many people (non Rotarians) to the event. Not only will this be an event to raise money for a worthy community group but it will promote Rotary and inspire people to join as volunteers hopefully.

Rotary Billboards
Billboards are being erected in our region slowly. They are located at Epsom Road Highett, corner of Heatherton and Clayton Roads, Warren Road Parkdale, Station Street & Nepean Highway. One will be erected at Southland Shopping Centre.

I mentioned to the group that we have permission by the Kingston Centre to erect 2 on Warrigal Road on both sides and Dingley Village have kindly given us ours to make up the numbers (Kevin only had one left - now with the Dingley one as well, we can put them both up).

Ideas about the Rotary Jingle
During PETS, I offered up an idea to create the Rotary jingle into an iTune application where it can be downloaded from iTunes as a ringtone. A component of the cost of download could go towards a particular charity (eg polio etc). This idea is now going to be further explored on how to make the Rotary song into a ringtone for iTunes.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Polio Eradication is Foreign Aid's Greatest Hero

I don't know if you know about the TED talks - these talks occur all around the world with guest speakers who are inspiring, creative and get us thinking.

While at the gym this morning, I watched this video podcast I had downloaded about the eradication of polio by Bruce Aylward who had presented his talk in February 2011. He is a brilliant speaker and yes, Rotary is mentioned in the middle of the presentation as well as Bill Gates asking him some questions at the end of the presentation.

A must see...


Tuesday, August 16, 2011

National Cupcake Day - Not Our Photos but Here's How People Try to Outdo Each Other

I forgot to mention that our National Cupcake Day raised $26.10 in our gold coin donations which has been mailed to the RSPCA today.

I was chatting with a colleague at work who told me how people try and outdo each other when it comes to baking cupcakes and he showed me some examples. Here they are:

Helen's Headlines - Monday 15 August 2011

Well our first committee meetings have been completed so thank you to the people who contributed their ideas for their particular portfolios.

Many had mentioned in our survey and in our club forums, that committee meetings have been non-existent in the last few years. This explains why certain projects have been with with individuals for many years and how difficult it is at times to get more people involved in projects or committees.

One of the things that did come out in last night's meeting is that with our reduced numbers we need to look at what projects we can and can't do through the year so that we don't over-extend ourselves. We also need to look at what skills these projects need (do they need skills; our time; our expertise; our knowledge; our networks etc); also we need to look at what grants we can apply for and how to do this so that we can offer a bigger level of funding assistance to chosen national and international projects.

One way we can overcome this is to look beyond our club and seek assistance from other Rotary Clubs, our partners and our extended Rotary Family. We need to get them back into the fold so that they too feel a part of the club on various volunteer projects. The benefit is that they support the ideals of Rotary but we have a lot more fun when we can share the experiences with our loved ones, but also with other Rotarians.

There's a few ideas that came out last night and Greg mentioned that he will now put into the bulletin a section on 'Volunteering' for those who want to get involved in smaller, once-off volunteering opportunities such as those mentioned in my previous post.

Community Service

Sheila will look through the City of Kingston directory to find charities that we can offer our hands-on practical support for a couple of hours every few months. Also she will chase up a Tree Planting scheme where we can partner with Bentleigh Secondary College and plant trees and have a BBQ for City of Kingston.

Greg and Yvonne are working with the Kingston Centre who have agreed to put up 2 Rotary Billboards on each side of Warrigal Road promoting Rotary. They will organise to have these erected soon. Similiarly, they are also finalising details for the Kingston Centre's Centenary where we will provide car parking support and BBQ for this big event. We will be seeking other Rotary Clubs support in the event which promises to be an exciting event for the public. This is going to be one to mark in your diaries as we will need everyone's support on the day and a great way to promote Rotary to the public.


Bill will look at how he can apply for a grant with his international projects aimed at achieving the millenium goals on water and sanitation projects in Cambodia


Geoff asked if you have any potential GSE candidates please let them know of this excellent program which will go to Texas in 2012. The GSE Committee is also looking for home hosters if you are interested in hosting one of the Texan team members from 24 March to 31 March 2012. It is likely that we will once again, host the team for a day next year and I'd strongly encourage members to come along to that fun day where we can show off our beautiful city to these international visitors.

Next week is a Partner's Night and our guest speaker is from the Yarra Yarra Golf Course talking about the History of Golf. May I ask the people slotted for duties as host, doorperson or chairperson to let me know if you are an apology so that alternative arrangements may be made ahead of time.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

So What Happened At the Rotary District 9810 Presidents Meeting on Friday 12 August

Last night I drove over to the Mulgrave Country Club and wondered why something didn't feel quite right. Of course, I just happened to be at the wrong venue so drove around the corner and up Jells Road to turn into the Best Western International Hotel where I should have come in the first place! But this little setback didn't deter me as I was there in plenty of time for a glass of wine so everything was alright in the world. Presidents from the District's clubs gathered to hear updates by various Rotarians on projects that need assistance or support; items that we should be thinking about in our clubs and of course, talking about the District Conference. Some items were interesting in that our club could directly get involved with community service - but in particularly, not just our Club Members, but everyone part of our extended Rotary Family. Here's the rundown:

District Conference in Melbourne on Saturday 21 and Sunday 22 April

Due to the high cost of holding the event at the Melbourne Convention Centre, the venue has been moved to the Peninsula Room at Shed 14, Central Pier at Docklands which is by far, a much better menu and right in the heart of all the action. The venue has been inspired by the London Tate's museum and the group that runs the catering won many awards this year for its catering for functions so it promises to be an event that is sparkling with wonderful food and in a state-of-the-art venue. The historian in me likes it because it is a place of historical significance so it's got to be good. Parking and hotels are plentiful and all nearby -also it's a short walk from the Spencer Street station trains so there's really no excuse not to come along for the weekend! If you want to see the website: http://www.peninsulaagv.com.au/

The cost will be $385pp but this includes the event registration and the Saturday night 3 course dinner which is kept secret but promises to be exciting.

It was mentioned that conference attendance that registrations have dropped considerably over the years but now being that it is in Melbourne, and on a weekend, every effort has been made to get as many people over to the conference next year. They are also looking at other costing options for those partners who may not want to attend the full conference but only the Saturday night event. More information will be provided over the coming months.

Go Back to Where You Came From (Part 2) - A Proposal By Rotary

Bill Sutherland proposed an excellent idea to the Club Presidents last night. I don't know if anyone saw SBS's superb documentary on how a group of hard core Australians who were dead set against refugees and migration, be put through the test by going through the experiences that refugees have to go through to get to Australia. They were put through the ringer, emotionally, physically and mentally and by the end of the program we saw that this experience had changed their outlook, attitude and made them more aware of the plight of these people who risk death to come to this country for a better life. During that program there was an African family who was separated with half of them living in Australia and the other half in Africa.

Bill saw this and had the idea, "what if Rotary can help to get the family back together again?" This started many phone calls to SBS, Australian Immigration and eventually, back to the actual family. This weekend, he will be writing letters to the officials in an effort to support this family back to Australia. If successful, there will be another television show produced about the lives of these people and Rotary will be promoted. So this is an opportunity not only to help out a family in need to be connected once again with their loved ones but to promote what we do across Australia.

Walk for Life. How do you change a child's life forever with just $200?

This presentation was moving and emotive. In Bangladesh, due to the lack of vitamins and basic health care, many children are born with club foot and left untreated, it affects their lives. This charity promotes that with $200 a child can have this club foot treated (without the need for surgery) so that the feet turn to the correct position. Through the use of continual massage and wearing casts and then a brace (see the photo below) where the childs feet are put in this position for a long time to train the feet to stay in position, the condition can be rectified.
They are now looking for clubs and supporters who can assist by partnering with them for matching grants. Their aim is to get 385 of these treatments completed when the grant moeny comes through but they are always looking for more support from the clubs.

Check out their website on: http://www.walkforlife.org.au/

Applying for District Simplified and Matching Grants

A presentation was made regarding how easy it is applying for grants and how the money can be increased substantially when we partner with other clubs and get District funding as well. It's also the time to put in applications for District Simplified Grants as applications close on 17 October 2011. You can find out more information and how to apply here: http://operations.9810rotary.org.au/files/2010/07/2011-12-DSG-Application-Guide.pdf

Community Service: Volunteers Needed - Eastlink Bike Race on Sunday 13 November (Open to all Rotarians, partners and Rotary Family)

Here's a wonderful opportunity to get out there as a club with our extended Rotary Family. Steve Liston is looking for 180 volunteers to line the Eastlink Freeway during a bike race that will see 6000 competitors participating. Volunteers will be placed 200m apart and their role is to communicate any issues that occur during the race to the officials. All volunteers will get a Rotary cap, a tee-shirt, sunscreen, and a cut lunch. This is a great opportunity to promote and showcase Rotary and the clubs participating will be allocated that part of the freeway closest to their club.

Community Service: Volunteers Needed - Paws for a Cause Walk on Sunday 9 October at Nortons Park Wantirna South (Open to all Rotarians, Partners and Rotary Family)

Here's another great opportunity for our club to get involved to promote Rotary. Mandi Hyland from the Bridges Connecting Communities organisation is seeking volunteers as marshals for this dog walk event. It will be on 11am until 2pm on Sunday 9 October at Norton's Park Wantirna South. If our club would like to participate just get in contact with her asap.

Indigenous Exchange - Sponsorship Support Needed for Cockatoo Primary School

One of the Rotary Clubs sponsors Grade 5 students from the Cockatoo Primary School on an exchange program to the Northern Territory to learn more about the indigenous culture. In exchange a small group of the Grade 5 students there come to the Cockatoo Primary School to learn abut the European cultures here. In the past, the school did much of the fundraising but recently is finding it difficult to raise the funds required. The request was for Rotary Clubs to sponsor a student (cost per student $500) so that this beneficial program is continued.

Rotary International Conference Bangkok 6th-9th May

If you haven't visited a Rotary International Conference then in the words of Molly Meldrum, "do yourself a favour!" Next year, the event will be held at Bangkok so it will be quite close for us to visit and participate in the events. David Mackenzie from RC Montrose is organising pre and post convention tours at reasonable rates to consider. He has a Post Convention tour of 9 days and 8 nights that will visit places of interest like River Kwai, ancient temples of Ayutthaya, Sukhotoai, Lamp Pang and Chiang Mai. The other benefit is that it will visit places where Rotary projects have made a real difference to the lives of people there so it's a perfect opportunity to see first hand the effect that Rotary projects have made to this country. It certainly got me thinking of how I can score some leave and do this tour but I don't think my husband wants to come with me....might have to save some money and go by myself? The cost of this tour is $1374
And When You Don't Have Any Projects in Mind but Still Want to Give?

The "Rotarian's Greater Goods Catalog" is a catalog full of simple items to address some of life's biggest challenges all with minimal impact to the environment. Rotarians have field tested products like these to help families and find sustainable solutions. Use this guide to inspire our next project or to encourage our community to give. Ideas includes:

  • Starter flock of chicks

  • Rehydrations spoon

  • Solar ovens

  • Waterless toilets

  • Bio sand filter

  • Hand sanitiser

  • Mosquito nets

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Charity Golf Day Registrations Now Open for Tues 13 September 2011

Rotary Charity Golf Day – Tuesday 13th September

For those who were unable to attend our golf day on 6th May or who would like the opportunity to play Australia’s number 1 course again, the second part of our Charity golf day takes place at Kingston Heath Golf Club on Tuesday 13th September – 7.30am shotgun start.

The format for this event is different, in that it is booked and paid for on line, using the “golf link” website. It is run by Kingston Heath Golf Club, with all proceeds going to the Rotary Club of Moorleigh Moorabbin, to be distributed locally.

The direct link is:


If this doesn’t work please go to www.golflink.com.au Home page, then “upcoming open days and events”.

The cost is $165 and includes golf, competition fee, pull buggy and a plated lunch.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Helen's Headlines - Monday 8th August 2011

Wow, what a great night last night when all but two of our members were apologies but it was a full house! It certainly made a difference when we're all there, are having fun with catching up with the chit chat and having a laugh. Of course, it does help too having a superb guest speaker who spoke to us about an interesting topic that got us thinking and planning how we can get involved.

Jo Saunders is the Executive Officer from the Caroline Chisholm Foundation. It is an independent charitable trust supported by the Chisholm Institute of TAFE and it encourages and supports members of the community experiencing hardship to participate in vocational education. How do they do this? By providing scholarships for youth to apply for to undertake their trade training. Many Rotary Clubs (but only two others from this District) have been involved and this is something that I hope our club may contribute to as part of the Vocational Committee or jointly with New Generations. (Don't forget that this concept isn't new for our club. Recall that we are also sponsored a lass through her studies supported by the Bentleigh Youth Centre). So here's a Foundation that will be able to work with us to come up with some scholarship guidelines, find the applicant on our behalf and we can support them through their studies with a scholarship under our Rotary name. If you want to read more about the foundation, check out:

Last night we also welcomed back Bruce from his leisurely European river cruise and we said goodbye to Ian who will be holidaying. Syd will be taking over seargeant duties while Ian is away. Some of the members also stayed back for a brew and a chat outside which was a good way just to chill out after the meeting and continue with the socialising.

I also mentioned that there are some action items being undertaken by the Membership Marketing Committee already. Greg and Yvonne are in the process of organising a Rotary Billboard to be erected at the Kingston Centre as well as exploring an opportunity to assist with car parking at the Kingston Centre's Centenary in September. This is a wonderful opportunity to get out there and hand out membership flyers and brochures to spread the word about Rotary. With more details, I am sure that we can organise a roster for the weekend to have people assist. Similarly, I'm talking with the Kingston Business Directory to organise some guest speakers for our November Business Month and will get back to you with more details. However, should you know of anyone who works in the local area and would like to come along to these nights in November, let them know! Or else, you may have someone who you think would be a great guest speaker - let me know so that we can invite them along. I'm trawling through the local newspapers too seeing what inroads and successes are being achieved by local businesses and earmarking them for as potential guest speakers.

Don't forget that next week is our respective committee meetings. How are we going to play this?

Two groups (Group 1: Bill, Jim, Geoff, John H, Graeme, Ian and Paul) will concentrate on International/Foundation matters and Group 2: Sheila, Laurie, Syd, Philip, Greg, Bruce, Susan, Yvonne, John P, Andrew and Robert will concentrate on Community/Vocational/New Generations. It is going to be an informal evening and up to the Directors on how to handle the meeting but the aim is to achieve a small list of actionable items complete with potential dates and responsibilities so that we can work this into our annual calendar.

Outline for the Evening
6:30-6:35: Rotary Introductions/Toasts/Apologies/Makeups/
6:35 - dinner served: Break up into respective groups to discuss projects and action items to complete
After dinner - 8:00pm: Continuation of meetings with Directors to aim to have a list of items that have been discussed ready for Board Meeting (plus trialling out the cupcakes)
8:00pm: Close - Board Meeting commences

In the interests of time, let's hold off on the Seargeant's session or door prizes). The intention for this night is to re-invigorate and re-introduce committee meetings to have a team approach for projects and a joint effort in planning various projects and events throughout our calendar - but not forgetting the social aspect to it all. Remember, our partners and Rotary Family can help us in many of these projects.

But it doesn't have to be all serious! Guess what? It's that time of the year again when the RSPCA's National Cup Cake Day is on. So please bring along a few cupcakes and place them on your table to eat for dessert. To participate, it's a gold coin donation (or however much you can spare) when you are paying your registration.

Quick reminder that you will need to have your Board reports into Graeme this week ready for our Board Meeting next week!

Hope you have a lovely week and if I can leave you with a pun from my favourite Punmeister Extraordinaire, Tim Vine: "I saw a bargain the other day, a television for 1 pound. Only problem was the volume control was stuck on full. Come on, how can you turn that down?"

Okay while we're on it, here's another one:

"I took my dog for a walk and it was really angry - well, it was a cross breed!"

Friday, August 5, 2011

Update on Membership and Marketing Committee Meeting Number 1

On Wednesday, our small Membership and Marketing Committee (Bill, Geoff, Helen, Yvonne, Greg - Vocational Director, Philip - apology), gathered at my place to discuss some items that would re-ignite some action items designed to promote and advertise our club to get more members to join.

The night started off with the question, "what makes someone want to join Rotary?" and the discussion was heated as it was generally agreed that the answer to this question had changed over the years. There was also some questions around "what do we do?" "how do we explain what we do to others?" and, "is this enough to make people want to join?" Effectively, it came down to having a unique service proposition and the words that we agreed on was that we provide a service to the local, national and international community through friendships and networks. But is this enough? Does this provide enough information for someone to join?

The main item of discussion was that our target audience may need to be concentrated around the main industry focus of the City of Kingston manufacturing and trades. This target audience makes up about 51% of the manufacturing business in Melbourne. We discussed the idea of holding a 'Business Month' in November targetted with guest speakers talking about relevant and critical topics related to the interests and business needs of these industries and inviting them along to our Rotary meetings. In that event, we will also have guest Rotarians who are in that business explain the personal and business benefits of being in Rotary. These events are to be run a few times a year and open to all in an effort to promote Rotary into our community.

It was discussed that one of our meetings be replaced with volunteering at a local charity as the way to best advertise ourselves is to 'get out there'. We will approach the Volunteer Resource Centre at City of Glen Eira and already, I have also talked with the Community Service Director at the City of Kingston to get a list of potential hands-on charity projects that need our support for a couple of hours once a month or bi-monthly.

Another idea was to split the club members in groups and ask them to attend another Rotary club in the district on any day of the week. This would be for socialising but also supporting other clubs and then reporting back to the group about their learning and other ideas we could use at our own club. I'd love to have this happening so I'm the first to put up my hand for this one - who wants to come with me to one of the other clubs??!! I've got some ideas of clubs I'd like to visit - this should be fun!

Other items of discussion were placing the Rotary billboards at various places around the community so that the public can get the information and the 1800 number to Rotary; as well as getting approval from the South Oakleigh Club to promote that Rotary meets at their venue through putting up signage at the venue - much like what many of the American Rotary clubs have.

Other items for discussion were reduced membership rates for the first year for new Rotarians joining our club.

Overall, a very effective meeting with definite action points that have already been set in motion by the committee members. I would strongly urge the committee directors to use every opportunity to meet and re-inspire their team with some ideas of what their portfolio can get involved in. We are a small club but there's so much we can do - but let's make it fun so we can involve everyone in our extended Rotary family too.

Next Meeting to Organise Business Month will be Wednesday 7th September 6:00pm - 8:00pm at Helen's.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Our Club Is In the Kingston Business Directory

Hello everyone

I have registered our club into the Kingston Business Directory. This way, if there are people in the area looking for community service groups, our contact details are registered and we will also receive information on what's happening in our local area around business events.

See what it looks like here:


Monday, August 1, 2011

Helen's Headlines - Monday 1st August 2011

First of all, let me apologise to Susan and Ian for forgetting to welcome them back to our meeting. It was great to see them back again to share the evening and we hope to see more of Susan back again soon!

Our guest speakers for tonight were Jeff Needham and Bert Dyt. They have rallied together to organise a Men's Shed for Glen Eira Community. A men's shed is a place where men of all ages can come together and in a supportive environment, be able to work on various trade projects to support community service groups and individuals. There are about 450 sheds Australia wide and Jeff and Bert have worked tirelessly to gain the support and funding by government to organise a shed for the community. They came to our Rotary Club to seek support and our involvement. Their first priority is to set up the shed which has been allocated to 118 Leila Road Carnegie at Packer Park as well as set up a Steering Committee and are seeking a Rotarian with a trade and leadership background. If you would like to be involved in this, or know of someone who fits the bill, let them know. This is a wonderful initiative that supports men's health and well being in our community.

I will be advising Bert and Jeff that they have Rotary Club Moorleigh Moorabbin's expression of interest for support as we may be able to provide assistance in the near future whyen they have set up the shed and are looking for other people to assist.

If you would like more information on this initiative, check out: http://www.mensshed.org/ or call 1300 550 009 - we may even consider a vocational visit one day out to see the Men's Shed in Chelsea or Monash if need be.

Reminder that there will be a Membership and Marketing Committee Meeting at my place this Wednesday night at 5:45pm - 7:30pm. No need to bring anything food wise - just ideas! Smally eats will be provided.

For your diaries, on Monday 15 August, is our club night - that means we will have our major committee meetings on that night and encourage everyone to attend this meeting as you will have an active role to play.

On that night, it will be National Cupcake Day (Monday 15 August): www.rspcacupcakeday.com.au

and I encourage everyone to bring in a few cupcakes to share with your committee groups (and we have received approval from the SOC to have them) and put in a gold coin donation. All money raised that night will go to the RSPCA.

Have a great week,
