Thursday, July 12, 2007

Photos of Changeover Dinner on Fri 6 July

Photos By: Peter Bury of Peter Bury Photography Phone (03)9557 7732 or 0419 569 209

We all agree that the Changeover Dinner for our Club was enjoyable and entertaining for us all.
Here's Carol and Philip at the door greeting Rotarians and their invited guests.

We were entertained by David Kaffey, illusionist. Here's Helen 'thinking' she guessed the chosen card correctly from the deck of cards!

And he put Laurie under a magic spell!

To make him believe that he was some kind of monster! Well not really, he was just sitting on a broken mobile phone that was very painful...
But the seriousness begins with Terry saying his goodbye speech and welcoming the new president Bob in for 2007-2008 with the pinning of the badges and an introductory speech.

Thanks to David Kaffey - for his contact information, click here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What was your experience of the night? Would love to read comments from our club members!