Thursday, January 26, 2012

Helen's Headlines - Monday 23rd January 2012

Happy Australia Day!

I hope everyone had a lovely day to celebrate our national holiday. Mine was spent at home catching up with the jobs around the garden in particularly cleaning out the gutters of dead leaves.

It was nice to see everyone back at our first meeting at the SOC. Thank you to Jason for giving us a fascinating account into his childhood and student years in South Africa. We were all enthralled with his story and it gave us a great insight into the 'man behind the badge'.

Business Networking Events

Thank you to those members who have registered online through the website as you will have saved me time in creating a door list manually. For those who haven't already signed up, please ensure you do so at: It is simple to do and shouldn't take much of your time. This way it will allow us to keep an accurate record of who attended each night. Already we have the following numbers of non-Rotarian guests coming (except 2x guest speakers per night)

Mon 6th Feb: Social Media (8)
Mon 13th Feb: Carbon Tax (4)
Mond 20th Feb: Business Mentors (8)
Mon 27th Feb: Cell Care (2)

Please feel free to bring along a guest or two on the evenings. May I ask that whoever is at the door, GET A BUSINESS CARD AND GIVE THE CARDS TO ME at the end of the night so that I can update our database.

Also on these evenings, please gather outside at the bar and welcome guests first as doors will be closed until 6:25pm when we open for registration. Any other business can be done during the break or outside Rotary hours.

Group Study Exchange Day: Monday 26 March - FOR YOUR DIARIES!

As mentioned we will have a team of 5 Texans on Monday 26th March and we will host them with a day out in the city. I have planned the following:

  • 0830 Hosts to drop off their team members at Cheltenham Train Station

  • 1000-1130 Morning tea, behind the scenes tour and presentation of State Parliament by MP Bruce Atkinson

  • 1130-1420 Lunch and wander around Bourke Street Mall

  • 1430 - 1600 Afternoon tea, behind the scenes tour and presentation of City of Melbourne Council by a local Councillor TBA

  • 1700 Hosts to meet and take their team members back home from Cheltenham station

I need at least 3 people to help out on the day to escort the team around. If you would like to have a nice day out and show these Texans our beautiful city, then please let me know.

If you want to read information on the GSE Program then look here:

Otherwise, someone asked the question on who Andrew and I would be hosting in our home for the week of 24 March to 31 March from the Texan team. Her name is Anne Pape and she is aged 28, an Outreach and Development program co-ordinator for Interfaith Ministries.

Next week we will have Rebecca Lovitt from the Monash Health Foundation and our guest Amy Hayes who we sponsored through a unit of a Diploma in Youth Services. Her interest is working with youths and she recently completed a work placement for her studies that she will talk about.

Until then, have a great week!

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