Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Helen's Headlines - Monday 8th May 2012

Hello everyone

What a wonderfully inspiring presentation from Mia and Claire, two students of the Bentleigh West Primary School who attended the International Water Convention in Adelaide last year.  Our club sponsored part of their registration and travel costs to attend this convention that focussed on environment and sustainability education programs for students.  Both young ladies spoke eloquently and passionately about how they found their experience and it was lovely to see that the future of Australia can be so involved with programs that involve Australia's sustainability.

We also had various announcements from members and Directors.  Thanks to Greg for acting as the Bowelscan Co-ordinator for the new year.  This program is important and RCMM has had an active role in the last few years connecting with pharmacies in the local area to have the kits be made available.

I also wish to thank every volunteer and club member for the upcoming Kingston Heath Golf Day and it promises to be another wonderful event that will raise ever important funds for the club.  My husband is looking forward to playing Kingston Heath on Friday!

Unfortunately I did pass on a bit of bad news to the club but hope that everyone sees it as a positive anyway.  My decision to transfer out of the club after my term as president has been on my mind for some months mainly based around my heavy workload commitments which will only get heavier from July onwards when there will be a massive training effort to upskil employees of where I work nationally and internationally.  After hearing about the e-club at one of the Presidents Meetings some months ago, I found the flexibility of this option aligned with how I wanted to be involved with Rotary and seemed a great fit.  

My five years at RCMM has been fantastic, the people lovely and helpful and have made me feel welcome and part of a great club which I hope to still have connections with in the future. The future of RCMM is now in more than capable hands and it can look forward to new and exciting opportunities and faces!  I will serve out my term as president and assist Andrew in any way that I can for his smooth transition into the role but thank you to everyone who has supported me in the past.

Have a great week!

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