Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Helen's Headlines - Monday 4th June 2012

Hello everyone

Last night we had an interesting and engaging talk by Richard who talked about solar energy and how he built his energy efficient home.  It was quite timely as we're putting in solar panels this Wednesday out of sheer frustration of having to pay utility bills that are increasing all the time.  However, with these dark, cold miserable days, looks like we will still be paying the bills until the sun peeks out from behind the clouds.

There's a few things going on in the background now as our club readies itself for Andrew's year and already progress is being made for the changeover night with people pitching in the background to make the next year a success.  I'm so happy that things are moving along for this club and there's a renewed vigor for the upcoming year. 

There were a few announcements last night but I'd just like to reiterate the following.

(a)  If you have any old coats or work wear that you don't wear anymore, please pass them onto Sheila so that they can be given to charity.

(b)  John Hunt has asked for assistance to find guest speakers as the program will need to be filled in the coming months.  Any ideas, any contacts, anyone you believe would be a good speaker, please let him know asap.

(c)  Thanks to Greg for helping out on the Bowelscan program and dropping the kits off to 3 pharmacies as well as highlighting and dispelling a rumour about the kits.

(d) Thanks to Graeme for giving us the board report and highlighting all the donations made by our club to the various local charity groups.

There is no meeting next week but I hope that  you stay happy, healthy and well and see you all back on Monday 18 June for the club forum and a joint board meeting which will be the last board meeting for this Rotary year.

Have a great week!

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