Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Helen's Headlines - Wednesday 13 June 2012

Hello everyone

I hope you all had a lovely long weekend spent with friends and family or doing what you love.  I used the opportunity to ride my bike around the city and attend the new Napoleon Exhibition at the Art Gallery which was well worth the money.

The only thing happening for me within Rotary this last week is that there has been a change of plans in the GSE front. Due to lack of applicants, they have reduced the selection interview days from 2 to 1 which will be on Saturday 23 June.  This now enables Jayde to submit her application and be available for this selection process (as she was going to be away before then).  Therefore, in the background, I have been working with Jayde to ensure that her application is completed and providing any support she needs to make the best effort in the selection process for the Malaysian GSE tour later this year.  I will be bringing along her application for Andrew's signature and RCMM sponsorship on Monday night.

Next Monday night will be a joint Board meeting and a club forum.  Although we don't have anything planned, my intention is to have all Director and Member announcements and then some fellowship over dinner before going into the Board Meeting. It will be an opportunity to finalise things required for Andrew's year and the changeover so it will be a relaxing night.  I will also bring along various equipment that I had bought for the club to hand over to Andrew and others (the mobile office).

Other than that, Andrew B who visited Texas on the GSE sent a lovely email with the photos of which I had emailed out all club members.  Please feel free to read these and enjoy his adventures.  If you didn't receive it, please let me know and I'll resend the email.  He certainly had a great time and learned a lot through his vocational contacts and networks and likely that he will never forget this once in a lifetime opportunity.

I will be at the Rotary Leadership Institute Training (last day) on Sunday 17 June and have organised a swap with Bill C (I'll do his on the June 24th).  I would encourage anyone in a leadership position in the club to attend RLI training in the near future as it gives you the information and knowledge about Rotary and its programs. It is a highly commended course - and the registration fee is waived for President Elects. Please don't think it is not valuable - if anything, it was one of the most valuable courses for idea exchange, information gathering and knowledge sharing that I have come across. 

Have a good week and see you all on Monday 18 June!

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